The Mental Trick You Can Use to Become More Resilient and Confident

Building unshakable confidence and layers of resiliency starts with this mental shift.

Abundance is commonly accepted as something that helps us live more fulfilling lives. But why?

Simply, it’s because operating in a state of abundance leads to a growth mindset. While operating in a state of scarcity leads to a fixed mindset that places invisible ceilings on your potential.

Abundance, as Stephen Covey describes it in his classic book The Seven Principles of Highly Effective People, is something that:

Flows out of a deep inner sense of personal worth and security. It is the paradigm that there is plenty out there and enough to spare for everybody. It results in sharing of prestige, of recognition, of profits, of decision making. It opens possibilities, options, alternatives, and creativity.

When it comes to scarcity, Covey states:

Most people are deeply scripted in what I call Scarcity Mentality. They see life as having only so much, as though there were only one pie out there. And if someone were to get a big piece of the pie, it would mean less for everybody else. The Scarcity Mentality is the zero-sum paradigm of life.

When it comes to developing confidence and building more resiliency, approaching life with an abundance mentality is essential. When you’re looking to adopt this mentality, it starts with these four critical factors:

1. Look for the silver lining in every situation.

Each day you wake up, something will happen not according to plan, someone will tempt you emotionally and will likely try to steal your joy.

There’s nothing you can do about this.

While you can’t control the people or situations around you, you can control your response. More importantly, you can choose to extract the positive out of the situation and use that to grow as a person.

Situations, games, business quarters, health, and many other facets of your life won’t roll in your favor 100 percent of the time, but even then, there’s always a silver lining to the situation (even if it’s marginal).

Choose optimism, search for the silver lining, and remember that all things contribute to your advancement.

2. Keep the big picture in mind.

I’m an author and operate in the health and fitness industry. With a scarcity mindset, I would most likely quit what I’m doing because there are millions of fitness books in existence along with many other health and fitness consultants.

You’re a business owner, a high-performing professional, or part of a startup, and guess what, there are countless others similar to you, and that’s only increasing.

However, when you’re approaching life with an abundance mindset, you’ll realize that though you’re in the same line of work as others, you’re not the same because no two individuals are alike. There are billions of people in this world and those people will resonate with different voices, methods, philosophies, and approaches, even if the desired result is similar.

There is plenty for everyone. Everyone has a unique gift and voice that can specifically help others out.

3. Freely share with others.

When you lead and operate out of scarcity, then you’re only going to receive more scarcity. But when you give freely, you not only feel better about yourself, but you’ll also start receiving more.

Call it magic, the law of attraction, the law of reciprocity, or anything else. The sooner you learn to let go and give more, the quicker abundance will start growing in all areas of your life.

To get started, make it a goal to share something once a day. This doesn’t have to be money, it could be an encouraging note to someone, a thank you letter or email to someone you admire, or giving 30 minutes to someone who wants to “pick your brain.”

4. Reduce and be more mindful of your media consumption.

If you’re constantly consuming media through various social channels and television, you’re constantly in “consumer mode” instead of “producer mode,” where creativity happens.

Hence, you run the risk of catching tunnel vision and furthering the chances of scarcity thinking because you think there isn’t anything that can be added. Some will say that consuming ample amounts of media is motivation. While it may fire you up at first, eventually it leads to comparison and lack of action and worth.

The question to ask yourself is why are you consuming this media? And how does it make you feel, while consuming and afterward?

When you become abundant, you believe you can have it all. Choose the path of abundance and experience more happiness, richer relationships, better health, and greater success in business.



7 Daily Habits of Exceptionally Successful People

7 Daily Habits of Exceptionally Successful People

Success breeds success. Take these tips to improve your life.

When you see people who are capable of accomplishing extraordinary things, you can’t help but wonder, What is it that makes them so different?

Numerous studies show recurring characteristics congruent with high achievers. Exceptionally successful people…

1. Plan each day with purpose and action.

Sunday night gets a bad rep because it means having to face another week, back on the treadmill, spinning the wheel once again. Successful people plan their days (yes, even Sundays) different, better, more exciting, more purposeful, more meaningful. Tony Robbins says action without a higher degree of purpose is a waste of time. How much of your life are you designing?

2. Step outside their comfort zone.

Successful people thrive when they are stretched beyond what they think they can handle. They consistently push the boundaries of what’s possible and don’t accept settling. This means stepping outside our comfort zone and questioning the world around us, looking for opportunities to constantly improve. How long have you been in your comfort zone?

3. Surround themselves with smart people.

Some of the world’s trailblazing entrepreneurs, such as Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Richard Branson and Mark Zuckerberg, had a solid team around them from the beginning—they knew their team was crucial to their success. Collaboration allows you to refine your thinking and challenge yourself and be challenged. We become the average of the five closest people we surround ourselves with. Who are you spending your time with?

4. Focus on the big picture.

Focusing on details allows you to track results and make improvements based on facts, not guesswork. But sometimes, we get lost in the doing and forget the building and creating. If you are not designing and creating a better life for yourself, who will? Never lose sight of the big picture and always work on your why.

5. Get the job done.

It’s human behavior to procrastinate. High achievers have developed laserlike focus when it comes to getting things done. At times they can be obsessed and selfish, often making sacrifices most of us would not be prepared or willing to make. Prioritize better; set aside time to focus on your goals list, not your to-do list.

6. Refuse to take “NO” for an answer.

When you’ve hit a wall, it’s easy to consider that the end of the road and tend to give up. Only the most stubborn among us will persevere long enough to climb the rest of the mountain. Think of the Wright brothers trying to get people in the air. Can you imagine what their peers said? Today we can’t imagine a world without planes. What’s your dream?

7. Never stop learning.

One of our great capacities is the ability (and urge) to learn. Unfortunately, most of us stop actively learning once our formal education stops. We allow ourselves to remain stagnant in our careers and personal lives. One of my mentors, Dale Beaumont, once said, “If you are not green and growing, you are ripe and rotting.” How much of your week do you dedicate to learning?

Success breeds success. Take these tips to improve your life. Challenge yourself on a daily basis. Never give up. Surround yourself with great people who will encourage you to move forward.